Current Projects & Partners

The National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education (NRCSE)

I am NRCSE’s Creative Teaching and Learning Project Partner. The main aim of this project is to enable teachers in supplementary schools to adopt more creative approaches to their classroom practice. To watch the introductory film click here.
To watch part of my first training session with teachers in London, click here


National Drama (ND)

I regularly deliver online courses for National Drama, (the UK’s leading subject association for drama teachers and theatre educators). These courses are open to both ND members and non-members.

For course dates and further information click here
Book via the National Drama website at


Action Learning Facilitation

I am a freelance, Higher-Level Action Learning Facilitator (ILM recognised) and have worked with several Arts and Cultural organisations in the East of England through the Community Interest Company, ‘All Ways Making’. Sessions were part-funded by Arts Council England.

Please contact me if you would like discuss the possibility of me setting up and facilitating an action learning set for your organisation, group of schools, or other workplace, (a minimum of 6 sessions). Email:


Learning Partnership

I deliver online courses for Learning Partnership. These courses are available to teachers from any school and free to teachers from partnership schools.

For course dates, further information and booking visit the Learning Partnership website.


Collective Learning

I deliver courses in Cardiff, for Collective Learning. Details of future courses will be posted here soon and on the Collective Learning website.


Prospero Digital

I have made a training film about Drama Strategies, with Prospero Digital.
Access and stream it here (£5 for 28 days access).

For further information about my collaboration with Prospero Digital, click here