Leading and Developing Drama in your Primary School

6th July 2023 (4.00pm – 5.30pm)


This session is intended to be a catalyst and support for teachers who are leading Drama in their primary schools. We will consider ways in which schools can ‘vision’ what they would like to be providing as ‘Drama’ and how they might review (as a whole school), what they are currently providing throughout the school. Some self-review and curriculum resources will be provided and signposted, for school use after the session.


• A school self-review proforma for Primary Drama
• A drama curriculum
• 2 published articles
• A copy of the Powerpoint (as a PDF)

Booking through National Drama direct, will be available soon.
Meanwhile, email patrice@patricebaldwin.com to book onto this course.

Schools may wish to host this course themselves, on a different date. Please email to enquire.