Online Courses & CPD Films

Schools can host my courses online

  • £200 for 1.5 hours
  • £300 for 2 online sessions of 1.5 hours, (enabling teachers to try out ideas between sessions).


Online Courses for National Drama

During 2023-24, I will continue to deliver online courses for National Drama, (the UK’s leading subject association for drama teachers and theatre educators). These courses will be open to both ND members and non-members.

Course dates and further information will be posted here and on the ND website soon.

These sessions are open to both ND members and non-members and are available for schools to host themselves.

Online Courses for Learning Partnerships

During 2023-24, I will continue to deliver online courses for Learning Partnerships. These courses will be available to all schools and free for partnership schools.

Course dates and further information will be posted here and on Learning Partnership website soon.

Training Films

£5.00 for 30 days access from Prospero’s Digital Library

Drama Strategies for the Classroom

You will be guided through powerful drama strategies that any primary teacher can use and provided with some context for these methods. You will also get many practical examples of their use in my own teaching and will find out some ways of adapting drama strategies, to help your pupils keep socially distanced during drama lessons.