Published: March 2008 by SAGE
ISBN: 9781412929653
My Publications
The Primary Drama Handbook
This book helps professionals to understand the importance and potential of drama for learning and offers step by step practical examples of how drama can work in schools across a range of curriculum subjects.
Drama motivates children and is a powerful way of building skills such as speaking and listening, enhancing children’s self-esteem, and connecting learning creatively across the curriculum. The book presents information, advice and a range of practical material that helps to explain drama skills and strategies at an introductory level. It also contains a sample drama unit for each year group. The book is ideal for primary NQTs and teaching assistants, as well as those more experienced teachers who are not yet confident using drama techniques and whole class drama.
Drama in Schools – Some Basic Questions Answered
Drama and the Curriculum
Drama Publications
A Time and Place for Drama
Planning “Whole Class” Drama
A Glossary of Drama Strategies and Conventions
The Drama Units
Unit 1: Visiting Storyland: Reception and Year 1
Unit 2: Billy’s Bucket: Year 1
Unit 3: The Great Fire of London: Year 2
Unit 4: The Drums of Noto Hanto: Year 3
Unit 5: Environmental Sustainability: Year 4
Unit 6:The Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun: Years 4 and 5
Unit 7: Leaving Home: Years 5 and 6
Unit 8: The Listeners: Year 6